Sunday, June 10, 2007

WAKAO!!!! Y SO JAM!!!!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

ok..fuh...enuff swearing...maaaaaaaa DE!!!!!!!

go here jam..go there jam....raining oni ma....why malaysia oways lidat wan!!!!!

ehniway.........was having a smooth drive from Pj....after dinner ma(will post bout the dinner later)

so..when reach Jln parlimen....WARAO!!!! almost 10pm ade...on a Sunday nite...y Jln Mahameru so jam wan!!!! biasanya....tak jam pun... fren, Jesse pandai pandai use alternative ( repeat after me

masukla to Bukit tunku...pusing pusing the bukit road....then keluar at Yaohan, The Mall....then hor....ini yang saya nampak!!!!!!!!!

hohoho....BANJIR beb!!!!!

saw that few cars in front? kesian....sure the owner now damn bengang!!!
c the man half leg gone ade...(sumore he walking slow slow there...)
There is a big sungai at the left side...penuh beb!!!!!! fu-yoh!!!! Air sungai too much till tertumpah keluar...kakakaka..damn 9 dirty!!!!!!! confirm!!! i take pic time also the smell damn gao!!!
Lol...another way of describing the situation.

- Jesse James... says:
it's like sex water
- Jesse James... says:
so much flowing
- Jesse James... says:
till banjir

So..kenot use shortcut...u-turn...n this is the road outside Yaohan, The Mall leading to Chow kit.

haih..tot can use this road la..but...middle there oso banjir....apasal suddenly eveliweh oso banjir wan??????? choice la...u-turn...go back to Tunku Mountain...and end up back use Jln Mahameru, join the traffic gether gether....T.T

Sigh...a supposed 10 min journey takes me almost 1 hour....


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